Task #1
Write a program to (a) prompt the user, (b) read first, middle, and last initials of a person's name, and (c) display them down the left margin. Sample execution: ENTER THREE INITIALS: JFK J F K
//Solution .MODEL small .STACK 100H .DATA .CODE MAIN Proc mov ah, 1 int 21h mov bh, al int 21h mov bl, al int 21h mov cl, al ;Print first initial mov ah, 2 mov dl, 0dh int 21h mov dl, 0ah int 21h mov dl, bh int 21h ;Print second initial mov dl, 0dh int 21h mov dl, 0ah int 21h mov dl, bl int 21h ;Print third initial mov dl, 0dh int 21h mov dl, 0ah int 21h mov dl, cl int 21h ;Exit code mov ah, 4ch int 21h endp MAIN end MAIN
Task #2
Take 6 characters as input and print them in new lines.
//Solution .MODEL small .STACK 100H .DATA a db ?,'$' b db ?,'$' c db ?,'$' d db ?,'$' e db ?,'$' f db ?,'$' .CODE MAIN Proc mov ax, @data mov ds, ax mov ah, 1 int 21h mov a, al int 21h mov b, al int 21h mov c, al int 21h mov d, al int 21h mov e, al int 21h mov f, al mov ah, 2 mov dl, 0dh int 21h mov dl, 0ah int 21h mov dl, a int 21h mov dl, 0dh int 21h mov dl, 0ah int 21h mov dl, b int 21h mov dl, 0dh int 21h mov dl, 0ah int 21h mov dl, c int 21h mov dl, 0dh int 21h mov dl, 0ah int 21h mov dl, d int 21h mov dl, 0dh int 21h mov dl, 0ah int 21h mov dl, e int 21h mov dl, 0dh int 21h mov dl, 0ah int 21h mov dl, f int 21h ;Exit code mov ah, 4ch int 21h endp MAIN end MAIN
Task #3
Write a program to draw a 10*10 solid box of star.
Sample Execution ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** **********
//Solution .MODEL small .STACK 100H .DATA a db '**********',0dh,0ah,'$' .CODE MAIN Proc mov ax, @data mov ds, ax mov ah, 9 lea dx, a int 21h int 21h int 21h int 21h int 21h int 21h int 21h int 21h int 21h int 21h ;Exit code mov ah, 4ch int 21h endp MAIN end MAIN
Task #4
Write a program to draw a 10*10 hollow box of stars
Sample Execution ********** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **********
//Solution //To be done by students
Task #5
Write a program to (a) display “?”, (b) read three initials,(c) display them in the middle of an 11 x 11 box of asterisks,
Sample Execution ?ABC *********** *********** *********** *********** *****A***** *****B***** *****C***** *********** *********** *********** ***********
//Solution //To be done by students
Task #6
Write a program to take a hexadecimal, A-F as input and print its equivalent decimal in the next line.
Sample Execution A-10 B-11 C-12 E-13
//Solution To be done by students