Task #1
Basic XLAT usage
//Code .MODEL SMALL .STACK 100h .DATA array1 db 10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20 .CODE MAIN PROC mov ax, @data mov ds, ax lea bx, array1 mov al, 5 xlat ;XLAT uses the initial value of al as n and fetches the nth element from the array and stores it on al. exit: mov ah, 4ch int 21h ENDP MAIN END MAIN
Task #2
Encoding and decoding message using XLAT
//Code //Available on video
Task #3 (Program listing 11.1, 11.2, 11.3)
String read and print
//Code //Available on video
Task #4
String reverse print.
//Code //Available on video
Task #5 (Program listing 11.4)
Counting number of vowels and numbr of consonants using scan string instruction
//Code //To be done by students
- Change the code in task 2 such that the encoding and decoding works for both small letter and capital letter.
- Change the code in task 2 such that a letter is replaced by three letters ahead. For example, A becomes D and B becomes E
- Chapter 9 Problem 9
- Chapter 9 Problem 10
- Chapter 9 Problem 11
- Chapter 9 Problem 12
- Chapter 10 Problem 7
- Chapter 10 Problem 9
- Chapter 10 Problem 10
- Change the read_str and print_str procedures of problem 1 so that there is no necessity of counter of length of string. Simply add a $ at the end of string to identify end of string