Problem #1 (Example 6.6) [AND condition]
Read a character, and if it’s an uppercase letter, display it.
//Solution mov ah, 1 int 21h cmp al, 'A' jl not_print cmp al, 'Z' jg not_print print: mov ah, 2 mov dl, al int 21h not_print: //Alternative COde mov ah, 1 int 21h cmp al, 'A' jge next jmp not_print next: cmp al, 'Z' jle print jmp not_print print: mov ah, 2 mov dl, al int 21h not_print:
Problem #2 (Example 6.7) [OR condition]
Read a character. If it’s “y” or “Y”, display it; otherwise, terminate the program.
//SOlution mov ah, 1 int 21h cmp al, 'y' je exit cmp al, 'Y' je exit jmp label2 Exit: mov ah, 4ch int 21h label2: mov ah, 2 mov dl, 'H' int 21h
Problem #3 (Example 6.9) [While structure]
Write some code to count the number of characters In an input line.
//Solution mov cx, 0 mov ah, 1 while_: int 21h cmp al, 0dh je end_while inc cx jmp while_ end_while: mov ah, 4ch int 21h
Problem #4 (Example 6.10) [Repeat Structure]
Write some code to read characters until a blank is read.
//Solution mov ah, 1 top: int 21h cmp al, ' ' jne top
Problem #5 (Chapter 6 Exercise 9)
Write a program to display the extended ASCII characters (ASCII codes 80h to FFh). Display 10 characters per line, separated by blanks. Stop after the extended characters have been displayed once.
//Solution To be done by students
Problem #6(Chapter 6 Exercise 10)
Write a program that will prompt the user to enter a hex digit character (“0″·… “9” or “A” … “F”), display it on in decimal. If the user enters an illegal character, display ‘i’ to indicate invalid input and allow to enter new hex number.
Sample execution
//Solution To be done by students
Problem #7 (Chapter 6 Exercise 11)
Do problem no 6 but if three invalid input is given, terminate the program
//Solution To be done by students
Section 6.5: Programming with High-Level Structures
Chapter 6 Exercise 8
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