CSE 322 Fall 2018 Lab 5

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Problem #1 (Chapter 7 examples)

Introduction to logical instructions

mov ax, 01010101b
mov bx, 10101010b 
;And Instruction: Logical AND and the result is stored in the first register
mov cx, ax
and cx, bx 

;OR Instruction: Logical OR and the result is stored in the first register
mov cx, ax
or cx, bx 

;XOR instruction: Logical XOR and the result is stored in the first register
mov cx, ax
xor cx, bx

;NOT instruction: Logical NOT and the result is stored in the same register
mov cx, ax
not cx 

;Test instruction: Does Logical AND instructions but does not stores the result. Changes the flags
test ax, bx

Problem #2

Use test instruction to check if the content in the register
AX is 0

To be done by the students

Problem #3 (Odd even checker)

Use logical instructions to check if the value stored in ax is odd or even. If the number is odd print ‘O’ and if it is even print ‘E’

To be done by students

Problem #4

Masking and testing bits

mov ax, 00001111b
and ax, 00110011b ;ANDing a bit with 0 clears the bit
or ax, 11001100b ;ORing a bit with 1 sets the bit
xor ax, 00110011b ;XORing a bit with 1 flips the bit

Problem #5 (Case conversion)

Use only logical instruction to convert characters from uppercase to lowercase

mov ah, 1
int 21h

or al, 00100000b

mov ah, 2
mov dl, al
int 21h
mov dl, 0dh
int 21h
mov dl, 0ah
int 21h 
jmp top

Problem #6 (Case conversion)

Use only logical instruction to convert characters from lowercase to uppercase.

To be done by the students

Problem #7 (Case conversion)

Use only logical instruction to convert characters from uppercase to lowercase and from lowercase to uppercase. i.e. flipping the case

To be done by students

Problem #8

Rotate and shift instructions

Marut example 7.1-7.13

Marut example 7.1-7.13
Section 7.4 Binary and HEX I/O [Total 4 codes]
Chapter 7 Exercise 8

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