Task 1
Installation of MATLAB
Task 2
Basic matlab instructions
a=4; b=5; c=a+b; %difference between usiong a semicolon at the end of an instruction and not disp(c); c=a-b; c=a*b; c=a/b; %Matrix and vector a=[0 1 2] a=[0 1 2; 3 4 5] a=[0 1 2; 3 4 5;6 7 8] b=[1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9] c=a+b d=a*b e=[a b] f=[a;b] g=f(1,1) g=f(3,1) g=f(1,3) h=f(1,:) h=f(:,1) clear % clears the workspace clc %clears the comman window a=[1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9] b=[1:12;2:13;3:14] b=[b; b; b; b] c= b(1:3,1:3) c(1,:)=[] c(:,1)=[] clc zeros(3) zeros(5,3) a=zeros(5,3) b=zeros(3) c=ones(4,5) d=ones(5) e=zeros(size(c)) clc r=5 area=pi*r*r pi r^2 area=pi*r^2 b=cos(pi/2) c=sin(pi/2) %MATLAB by default operates with a variable by considering it as a matrix. %For a single value, it considers the variable as a 1*1 matrix. x=[1 2 3; 4 5 6;7 8 9] y=sin(x)
Task 3
Basic Graphing code
%plotting a sinusoidal curve close all clear clc ts=0.01; x=0:ts:4*pi y=sin(x) z=cos(x) plot(x,y) plot(x,z)
Task 4
Basic input output code
%basic code using matlab close all clear clc r=input('Radius= '); % sample input: 5 or -5 %r=5; % if r>0 % area=pi*r^2; % c=2*pi*r; % fprintf('area= %g\t circumference= %g\n', area, c); % elseif r<0 % fprintf('Radius is less than 0\n'); % end while (r>0) area=pi*r^2; c=2*pi*r; fprintf('area= %g\t circumference= %g\n', area, c); break; end