Task 1
Generation of unit impulse function.
close all clear clc fs=10; a=1; t=-5:1/fs:5; impl=zeros(1,length(t)); for i=1:length(t) if t(i)==0 impl(i)=a; end end figure plot(t,impl) ylim([0 2]) figure stem(t,impl)
Task 2
Generation of unit Ramp function.
close all clear clc fs=10; a=1; t=-5:1/fs:5; rmp=zeros(1,length(t)); for i=1:length(t) if t(i)>=0 rmp(i)=t(i); end end figure plot(t,rmp) figure stem(t,rmp)
Task 3
Generation of unit step and unit ramp function using unit impulse function.
close all clear clc fs=10; a=1; t=-5:1/fs:5; impl=zeros(1,length(t)); for i=1:length(t) if t(i)==0 impl(i)=a; end end stp=zeros(1,length(t)); for i=0:fs*max(t) stp=stp+circshift(impl,[0 i]); end rmp=zeros(1,length(t)); for i=0:fs*max(t) rmp=rmp+i*circshift(impl,[0 i])/fs; end figure; stem(t,stp); figure; stem(t,rmp);
Task 4
Advanced plotting functionalities.
close all clear clc fs=10; a=1; t=-5:1/fs:5; impl=zeros(1,length(t)); for i=1:length(t) if t(i)==0 impl(i)=a; end end stp=zeros(1,length(t)); for i=0:fs*max(t) stp=stp+circshift(impl,[0 i]); end rmp=zeros(1,length(t)); for i=0:fs*max(t) rmp=rmp+i*circshift(impl,[0 i])/fs; end % figure; % stem(t,impl); % figure; % stem(t,stp); % figure; % stem(t,rmp); figure subplot 311 %1st number represents no of Rows. 2nd number represents no of cols and 3rd no represents index of the plot stem(t,impl); title('Impulse Signal'); ylabel('Amplitude'); xlabel('Time'); subplot 312 stem(t,stp); title('Step function'); ylabel('Amplitude'); xlabel('Time'); subplot 313 stem(t,rmp); title('Ramp function'); ylabel('Amplitude'); xlabel('Time'); figure plot(t,rmp,'-.R') figure plot(t,stp,'--G')
Task 5
Generating different function using shifting of unit impulse function.
close all clear clc fs=1; a=1; t=-5:1/fs:5; impl=zeros(1,length(t)); for i=1:length(t) if t(i)==0 impl(i)=a; end end figure; stem(t,impl); y=zeros(1,length(t)); y=y+0.5*circshift(impl,[0 -2]); y=y+2*circshift(impl,[0 -1]); y=y+circshift(impl,[0 0]); y=y+2*circshift(impl,[0 1]); y=y+-1*circshift(impl,[0 2]); %y=[0 0 0 0.5 2 0 2 -1 0 0 0]; figure stem(t,y)
- Plotting multiple graphs in a single figure with different colors, and line-style. legends must be added also.
Functions: sine, cos, exponential - Continuous and Discrete plot of the signals shown in figures 1-4 below using shifting, multiplication and other mathematical operation of impulse, step and ramp function
- Repeat each case with sampling frequency of 4 ,10, and 20.