Task 1
- Symbolic Algebra in Matlab
- Solving Single Variable Equation
- Solving Multi Variable Equation
- Solving Simultaneous Equation
- Using roots and polyval function
- Using expand function to expand algebraic expression
- Using simplify function to simplify algebraic expression
- using factor function to factorize algebraic expression
%Lab 6 Task 1 close all clear clc a=solve('3*x-50=0'); disp(a) b=solve('3*x^2+5*x-3=0'); pretty(b) %Using roots function to find the roots of a polynomial p=[3 5 -3]; roots(p) %q(x)=5*x^4+3*x^2+5*X+9 q=[5 0 3 5 9]; roots(q) q=[5 0 5 0 5 3 6 4 5]; roots(q) polyval(q,3) %5x^2+3xy+9 pretty(solve('5*x^2+3*x*y+9')) pretty(solve('5*x^2+3*x*y+9','y')) %2x+3y+9z=5 %3x-2y+3z=2 %5x+5y+9z=100 solu=solve('2*x+3*y+9*z=5','3*x-2*y+3*z=2','5*x+5*y+9*z=100'); disp(solu.x); disp(solu.y); disp(solu.z); %Expansion, factorization and simplification syms x y a b; expand((x-2)*(x+5)) expand((x-2)^2*(x+5)^2) pretty(expand((x-2)^2*(x+5)^2)) expand(cos(x+y)) expand(cos(x+y)^2) expand(exp(a+b)^2) factor(x^4 + 6*x^3 - 11*x^2 - 60*x + 100) simplify((x^4 + 6*x^3 - 11*x^2 - 60*x + 100)/(x-2))
Task 2
Integration and Differentiation in Matlab
%Lab 6 Task 2 close all clear clc syms x t; f=sin(x)^2; diff(f) diff(diff(f)) diff(sin(x),52) int(sin(x), -pi, pi)
Task 3
Symbolic Fourier Transform in Matlab
%Lab 6 Task 3 close all clear clc syms a t w x; pretty(fourier(exp(-a*t)*heaviside(t))) pretty(fourier(dirac(t))) pretty(fourier(fourier(dirac(t)))) pretty(fourier(heaviside(t)))