CSE-06131213: Electronic Devices & Circuits [Summer 2023]


Shahadat Hussain Parvez





Consultation Hours

01:00 PM – 02:30 PM,
Wednesday at Room 303

10:00 AM – 1:00 PM,
Thursday at Room 303

Course Overview

This course is designed to introduce students with knowledge about the concepts, principles and working of basic electronic components and their application in different circuits.

Prerequisite Lists:

·         Passing grade in CSE-06131115 (Basic Electrical Engineering)

Text Book

·         Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory by Robert L. Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky, 11th edition (Boylestad)

·         Electronic Devices, Thomas, L Floyd

Reference Books

·         Fundamentals of Electric Circuits, Alexander, 3rd edition (Alexander)

·         Electronic Devices and Circuit by David A. Bell, 2ndedition (Bell)

·         Electrical and Electronic Principles and Technology by John Bird (Bird)

·         Fundamental of Electrical and Electronic Principles by Christopher R Robertson (Robertson)

Course Materials

All the course materials (Including name for any new books) will be available at

·         http://www.neub.shparvez.net/cse-06131213/

·         http://www.neub.shparvez.net/cse-06131214/

Course Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this course students will be able to:

CLO1 Identify the basic electronic devices such as Diode, BJT, JFET, MOSFET, Op-amp, and other special electronic devices
CLO2 Recognize, understand, and explain the fundamental concepts used to solve electronic circuits involving Diode, BJT, JFET, MOSFET, Op-Amp, etc. including the construction, working and characteristics
CLO3 Analyze different simple to complex Electronic Circuits involving Diode, BJT, JFET, MOSFET, Op-Amp, etc.
CLO4 Apply concepts learnt from this course to understand the working of different practical electronic circuits
CLO5 Design electronic circuits based on practical requirements


Mapping of CLOs with Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs):

Course Learning Outcomes PLO 1 PLO 2 PLO 3 PLO 4 PLO 5 PLO 6 PLO 7 PLO 8 PLO 9 PLO 10 PLO 11 PLO 12
CLO1 3
CLO2 3
CLO3 3
CLO4 3 2 2
CLO5 2 2 2

(3 = High, 2 = Medium, 1 = Low)

Course Schedule

Week Topic to be Covered Learning Outcomes TLS AS CLOs
Week 1 Lecture 1: Semiconductor and Diodes

·         Classification of materials

·         Semiconductor material basics

·         Semiconductor diodes

Reading Lists:

·         Boylestad Chapter 1, section 1.1 – 1.6

Student should be able to

·         Differentiate between different materials.

·         Explain how semiconductor works and the structure of semiconductor diodes.

·         Identify different bias condition for semiconductor diodes.

CL, T,


CT, Q, A,


Week 2 Lecture 2: Diode Analysis

·         Ideal Versus Practical Diodes

·         Diode resistance

·         Diode Equivalent Circuits

·         Diode Specification Sheet

·         Load-Line Analysis

Reading Lists:

·         Boylestad Chapter 1, section 1.7 – 1.12

·         Boylestad Chapter 2, section 2.1 – 2.2

Student should be able to

·         Identify the difference between ideal and practical diode models.

·         Explain the difference and similarities between different diode equivalent circuits.

·         Understand how to interpret data from diode specification sheet.

·         Able to analyze a diode circuit using load line analysis.

CL, T, GD, OR, PrbL CT, Q, A, MS 1,2,3
Week 3 Lecture 3: Diode Circuits

·         Series Diode Configuration

·         Parallel and Series-Parallel Configuration

·         And/OR Gates

·         Half Wave Rectifier

·         Full wave Rectifier

Reading Lists:

Boylestad Chapter 2, section 2.3–2.7

Student should be able to

·         Solve different diode circuits like Series, Parallel, and Series-parallel configuration.

·         Design different logic gates using diodes.

·         Understand and design AC-DC converter using half wave and full wave rectifier.

CL, T, GD, OR, PrbL CT, Q, A, MS 1,2,3
Week 4 Lecture 3: Diode Circuits

·         Clipper Circuit

·         Clamper Circuit

Lecture 4: Special Diodes

·         Light Emitting Diode

·         Zener Diodes

·         Zener diode Circuit analysis

·         Zener Regulator

Reading Lists:

·         Boylestad Chapter 2, section 2.8 – 2.11

Student should be able to

·         Solve different diode circuits like Clipper and Clamper circuits.

·         Understand the basic working principles and uses of different specialty diodes like LEDs and Zener diodes.

CL, T, GD, OR, PrbL CT, Q, A, MS 1,2,3
Week 5 Lecture 5: BJT

·         Transistor types

·         Bipolar Junction Transistor

Reading Lists:

·         Boylestad Chapter 3, section 3.1 – 3.3

Tutorial 1

Topic: Lecture2 and Lecture 3.

Student should be able to

·         Understand the basics and operation of Transistor.

·         Understand the structure and operation of a BJT.

CL, T, GD, OR, PrbL CT, Q, A, MS 1,2,3
Week 6 Lecture 5: BJT

·         BJT Configurations

o  Common Base

o  Common Emitter

o  Common Collector

·         Transistor Testing

Reading Lists:

·         Boylestad Chapter 3, section 3.4 – 3.9

Student should be able to

·         Understand the difference between different BJT configurations.

·         Understand the basic principles and steps of testing a transistor.

CL, T, GD, OR, PrbL CT, Q, A, MS 1,2,3
Week 7 Lecture 6: DC Biasing BJTs

·         Modes of operation

·         DC Biasing BJT circuits

o  Fixed-bias circuit

o  Emitter-bias circuit

o  Voltage divider bias circuit

o  Collector-feedback bias circuit

o  Emitter-follower bias circuit

o  Common base circuit

Reading Lists:

·         Boylestad Chapter 4, section 4.1 – 4.8

Student should be able to

·         Identify the different modes of operation of BJT.

·         Identify and solve different bias configuration of BJT circuit using different circuit solving techniques.

CL, T, GD, OR, PrbL CT, Q, A, SF 1,2,3
Week 8 Lecture 7: BJT AC Analysis

·         Amplification in AC domain

·         BJT Transistor Modeling

·         The re Transistor model

o  Common Emitter

o  Common Base

o  Common Collector

o  Voltage divider bias

Reading Lists:

·         Boylestad Chapter 5, section 5.1 –5.10

Student should be able to

·         Understand how amplification is done using BJT.

·         Understand different transistor models used to simplify and create a transistor equivalent circuit for solving.

·         Solve different configuration circuit using transistor models.

CL, T, GD, OR, PrbL CT, Q, A, SF 1,2,3
Week 9 Lecture 8: MOSFETs

·         FETs vs. BJTs

·         JFET Construction and operation

·         JFET Transfer characteristics

·         MOSFET Structure

·         Depletion-Type MOSFET

·         Enhancement-Type MOSFET

Reading Lists:

·         Boylestad Chapter 6, section 6.1 – 6.8

Student should be able to

·         Difference between FETs and BJTs.

·         Understand construction and operation of different FETs like JFET, MOSFET, etc.

CL, T, GD, OR, PrbL CT, Q, A, SF 1,2,3
Week 10 Lecture 9: Biasing of MOSFET

·         Body effect of MOSFET

·         FET biasing

o  Fixed Bias

o  Self-Bias

o  Voltage Divider Bias

·         Bias configuration for depletion type MOSFET

·         MOSFET as switch

·         Complementary MOSFET Motor Controller

Reading Lists:

·         Boylestad Chapter 7

Student should be able to

·         Understand the body effect of MOSFET.

·         Understand, identify and solve different Bias configuration of MOSFETs

CL, T, GD, OR, PrbL CT, Q, A, SF 1,2,3
Week 11 Transistor Problem Solving and Revision PrbL 1,2,3
Week 12 Lecture 10: Operational Amplifier

·         Basics of Op-amp

·         Block diagram of an op-amp

·         Op-amp Characteristics Ideal Vs Practical

Reading Lists:

·         Alexander Chapter 5

·         Boylestad chapter 10

Tutorial 2

Topics: Lecture 6 and Lecture 7

Student should be able to

·         Understand the basic construction and operation of an operational amplifier and the difference between ideal and practical op-amp.

CL, T, GD, OR, PrbL CT, Q, A, SF 1,2,3
Week 13 Lecture 10: Operational Amplifier

·         Op-amp circuits

o  Inverting amplifier

o  Non–inverting amplifier

o  Voltage Follower

o  Summing Amplifier

o  Difference amplifier

o  Multiplier

o  Integrator

o  Differentiator

o  Comparator

o  Zero crossing detector

Reading Lists:

·         Alexander Chapter 5

·         Boylestad chapter 10

Student should be able to

·         Identify and solve different op-amp circuits and understand that op-amp works as a basic building block of analog signal processing.

·         Understand that op-amp can be used to implement basic mathematical operations in circuit.

CL, T, GD, OR, PrbL CT, Q, A, SF 1,2,3
Week 14 Lecture 11: Other Electronic Devices and circuits

·         Photodiode

·         Laser

·         Solar cell

·         Photo detector, etc.,

·         Analysis of practical circuits.

Student should be able to

·         Explain how photodiode works

·         Explain how laser works

·         Explain how solar cells work

·         Explain how photo detector works

·         Analyze common practical circuits involving electronic components

CL, T, GD, OR, PrbL CT, Q, A,

V, P, SF

Week 15 Lecture 12: Oscillators

·         Characteristics of oscillator

·         Applications of oscillator

·         Design of oscillator using different topology

Student should be able to

·         Design oscillators for different use cases


CL, T, GD, OR, PrbL A,V, P, SF 4,5

(TLS=Teaching-Learning Strategy, AS=Assessment Strategy, CLO=Course Learning Outcome)

(CL = Class Lectures, T = Textbook, OR = Online Resources, GD = Group Discussion, PrbL = Problem-based Learning, BL = Blended Learning)

(CT = Class Test, Q = Quiz, A = Assignment, V = Viva-voce, P = Presentation, MS = Mid Semester, SF = Semester Final)


Several assignments will be given during the course of the semester. Due dates and syllabus will be announced in the class

Assignment Policy

Assignments Must be submitted within due dates. No excuse or requests will be considered regarding late submission.

Grading Policy

Attendance : 10 marks
Tutorial : 10 marks
Assignment + Presentation : 10 marks
Mid Semester Examination : 30 marks
Semester Final Examination : 40 marks

Grades and grades point will be based on the following criteria.

Marks Range Letter Grade Grade Point Meaning
80% and Above A+ 4.00 Outstanding
75% – 79% A 3.75 Excellent
70% – 74% A- 3.50 Very Good
65% – 69% B+ 3.25 Good
60% – 64% B 3.00 Above Average
55% – 59% B- 2.75 Average
50% – 54% C+ 2.50 Below Average
45% – 49% C 2.25 Poor
40% – 44% D 2.00 Pass
Less than 40% F 0.00 Fail

Exam Schedule

Exam Schedule
Tutorial Exam #1 TBA
Mid Semester Examination Announced by the Controller of Examination Office
Tutorial Exam #2 TBA
Tutorial Exam #3 TBA
Semester Final Examination Announced by the Controller of Examination Office

Attendance Policy

Attendance will be taken based on the following criteria:

  • Students who are on time will get full attendance without any penalty.
  • Students who are no more than 30 minutes late will get 50% attendance penalty (Meaning half of the attendance will be accounted).
  • Students who are more than 30 minutes late will get 90% attendance penalty.

Mark for attendance will be awarded as follows.

Level of Attendance Marks Level of Attendance Marks
95% and above 10 70% to 74% 5
90% to 94% 9 65% to 69% 4
85% to 89% 8 60% to 64% 3
80% to 84% 7 Less than 60% 0
75% to 79% 6


Other policies

Bunking of class will be severely penalized. Mass bunking during tutorials will result in zero marks for all students.  Other than bunking, unusual distractions during lectures by any students will also be severely penalized.

Uses of online tools

Google Classroom may also be used to share materials and assign assignments

  • Class Code – axm7mer

Any online classes will be conducted using zoom. Apart from scheduled tutorials, some quizzes may also be conducted online.